What They Say About “The Wizard of College Baseball”

"I began my broadcasting career as a play by play announcer for Ron Fraser's University of Miami's championship teams. I wouldn't be anywhere in the broadcast business if not for Coach Fraser. This book details the life and times of the "P.T. Barnum of college baseball", but the book is so much more than that. It's an in depth, well researched read about one of the most interesting and influential men in the history of the sport. Ron was a little bit like Charlie Finley, a little bit like Bill Veeck, and mostly he was one of a kind. Ron Fraser, was indeed, the "wizard", and this terrific book tells us why he was a wonderful wizard and ahead of his time."

Roy Firestone, ESPN interviewer

“Ron Fraser was the king of college baseball. The Wizard of College Baseball chronicles the marvel of big crowds and media attention he established at Miami that launched the sport into a growth explosion leading to today’s national enthusiasm.”

Ron Polk, Hall of Fame coach considered by many to be the “Father of SEC Baseball” and author of “The Baseball Playbook.”

"The Wizard of College Baseball" captures the atmosphere and magic of the three-ring circus that was Miami Hurricanes baseball with Ron Fraser as its Ringmaster. He was college baseball’s "George Bailey" ... everything he touched, he made better, and the sport is what it is today thanks to The Wizard, who had a "Wonderful Life!"

John Routh, Miami Maniac mascot (1983-1993) and Executive Director, University of Miami Sports Hall of Fame & Museum

Book Reviews

20 Best College Baseball Books of All-Time (#6) - Bookauthority.org

One of the best books I have read” - Tom Knuppel.com

… attention to detail, anecdotal prose and insights from interviews make The Wizard of College Baseball a success.” - TheSportsBookie.com

Reader Feedback

See what readers are saying about the book …

  • “It is absolutely phenomenal … I literally cannot put the book down … It truly is a great read for any college baseball fan, not to mention UM sports fans.” 

  • “You did a fantastic job of capturing Ron’s essence… and your storytelling captured so many magical moments … Thank you for taking such good care of Ron’s legacy… I know he would be honored and proud of the work you delivered.”

  • “Great job bringing Ron back to life.”

  • “I absolutely loved The Wizard of College Baseball … you definitely captured who Coach was and his importance in college baseball and our overall South Florida community.”

  • “It’s hard to argue against what [Ron Fraser] meant to the sport … it transcends beyond college baseball … this is a guy who’s had a huge influence on many around the world … For the sports fans out there, it should be a must read.”

  • “A lot of buzz this week about the new book out about Coach Ron Fraser … Any college baseball fan or anyone new to college baseball, you can read about Ron Fraser and what he meant to college baseball, I would  highly recommend picking up the book.”

  • “Brilliant and Fantastic. I am a solid baseball fan and fairly well versed in college baseball. I knew of Ron Fraser but that story just blew me away … This is one of the best books I have read in many years.”